Lift Risk-Averse Followers From Compromise to Optimize Value

Be a challenger and ennobler, who can lift buyers out of old habits so they embrace game-changing innovations and new standards of care, rather than an order-taker who enables them to stay were it's easy and comfortable? This Quest will equip you to deliver the 5As with finesse to overcome risk-averse compromises like sandbagging, groupthink, summit fever, and tunnel vision. It will equip you to earn the credibility to be a trusted advisor, when you ask followers to stretch, learn and champion something new.

This Quest will equip you to…

  • Respond to fear by engaging, exploring and challenging, rather than acquiescing
  • Use your empathy and EQ to connect with fearful and reluctant buyers, so they feel your support and understand you're on their side
  • Step up, reach out and initiate ennobling dialogues with supporters who can lift their game and make a difference

Dr Merom Klein + Dr Louise Yochee Klein wrote the book for leaders to Make Courage Contagious. They coached thousands of high-potential leaders , growth-company CEOs and bizdev/sales leaders to step up, lean in, take charge, reach out, boost their impact and make a bigger difference.

They equip innovators and early adopters to be trusted advisors and challengers, not merely order-takers, so they drive adoption and upgrade the standard of care. They equip leaders to use diversity, inclusion, engagement to "Bring it on!" when conflict, abrasion and multiple interests can deliver better business decisions. They'll equip you to mobilize the support you need and recruit the right players for the right assignments in your matrix or virtual team.

Their successes as American-Canadian-Israeli Business Psychologists include assignments with high-potential innovation leaders at J&J, Merck, Solvay, Sanofi, Abbvie, Tekni-Plex, West, LifeArc, Pacira, Cigna, Aetna, Rafa"el, Amdocs, Quaker-Houghton, Avantor/VWR, ARAMARK, KeyCorp, iAngels, Keiretsu Forum and thousands of mid-market and entrepreneurial ventures as well as defence and government agencies in North America, Europe, UK, Latin America, Asia, Africa, New Zealand + Israel.

Quest Curriculum

  • 3 PowerUPs
  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom
  • Community Support
  • PowerUP 01


    Build your skill approaching a fearful or reluctant partner with sympathy and concern for their well being - so you win trust as their ally and advocate

  • PowerUP 02


    Signal before you change lanes from the sympathy lane to the challenge lane - so the shift from enabling comfort to ennobling is a gentle lift and not a jarring push. Then use the 5As as a formula to ennoble so you AROUSE passion, AIM high, AASK openly, ALIGN interests + ADHERE to promises

  • PowerUP 03


    Put it to work - with ennobling dialogues you need to initiate when the support you need is greater than the support you're getting. Before you start - calibrate your expectations for positive self fulfilling prophecies

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