New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

This FREE Quest starts your Growth Journey - to get more traction, funding and support when you ask followers to stretch beyond what's easy and routine.

Why Make Courage Contagious? Because that's how you win investors' confidence to get funded - and convince buyers to adopt and use ingenious solutions that go beyond what they've seen before.

To be a trusted advisor and accelerator, you need followers with Courage to allow you to challenge, ennoble and give feedback. To thrive and profit through turbulence, you need teams with Courage to triumph and be more joyful than they would have been if their mettle weren't tested. And you need bosses and boards with Courage to trust you with bigger broader responsibilities, staying ahead of what enterprise growth requires.

The GET STARTED button will open your Quest - with a FREE introduction to Courage and a FREE Appetite and Readiness Assessment, where you'll chart the future that you want to create, for yourself and your enterprise.

To see more Quests in the Courage Curriculum - go back to the Landing Page and you'll see the leadership Quests that will build your self-awareness, finesse, skill and team mobilization. To enter more Courage Leadership Quests, request an Access Code from your Courage Coach. Or email us @

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 4 PowerUPs

This FREE Quest equips you to refine the Content and Delivery of your Investor Pitch - so you pique investor interest and win confidence in your ability to deliver a compelling ROI.

Why Make Courage Contagious? Because it takes courage for an investor to say, "Yes" and jump into a deal, bring syndication partners along with them, and commit the time and reputation capital required to engage in due diligence. Courage isn't just the magic you create with an inspiring presence and message. It's also the confidence you earn in Due Diligence, so investors see how you'll execute and get traction. In this Quest, you'll learn the 5As to build that Courage.

The GET STARTED button will open your Pitch Prep Quest - with a FREE series of Missions to refine your pitch and get ready for a Pitch Prep Coaching Session. When you're ready, use the Coaching button to reach out to your Courage Coach and request a pitch prep session.

To see more Quests in the Courage Leadership Curriculum - go back to the Landing Page and you'll see the leadership Quests that will build your self-awareness, finesse, skill and team mobilization. To enter more Courage Leadership Quests, request an Access Code from your Courage Coach. Or email us @

This Pitch Prep Quest equips you to…

  • See your deal from the investor's perspective - so you can show what's in it for them to fund your venture and risk their reputation and time, as well as their capital
  • Show that you have the right stuff to do a successful launch and grow the venture - which may be different from showing you had the right stuff to get your solution or your venture to where it is now
  • Give investors confidence that they can earn a good ROI - and that they're top of mind, rather than an afterthought
  • Learn - with agility to be coachable, listen to feedback, use market feedback and persuade buyers and users to adopt, in a way that makes you an indispensable upgrade
  • Use "drip irrigation" and good two-way communication to foster a relationship, so investors get to know you and invest in a partnership, not just a transaction
  • Form a board that validates your value proposition, sharpens your thinking and champions your values - not just represents the interests of a faction who has a stake in your success
  • Build a sustainable win/win/win relationship - so investors jump in as proponents and champions, not just do a one-off transaction
New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 2 PowerUPs

Build your Development + Growth Plan. Meet your Courage Coach for your Aspiration + Positive Future Interview. Use insights from yourAppetite + Readiness and a Courage Leadership Self-Assessment. Make the most of high-level Sponsor support from your boss, board and buyer decision-makers. Make space in your work schedule for check-ins, huddles, skill practice + traction monitoring. AIM high and set goals for your growth and the difference you'll make when you step up, reach out and take charge. Post your growth map as your Courage GPS, to keep your focus and direction in mind, no matter how busy it gets.

Continue to this Power UP Quest, after your FREE Introduction, and you'll get…

  • An Aspiration + Positive Future Interview with a certified Courage Coach - to get clarity about the leadership development plan that will take you forward fast, in the right direction
  • A Sponsor Support Mission to get your boss and board onboard - so you they help you get traction on your development goals
  • A Quickee Self-Assessment on the 5As that Make Courage Contagious and lift followers out of fear and risk-averse comfort-zone trap
  • A Growth + Individual Development Plan to continue to build self-awareness, skills, actions and a culture that accelerates and optimizes success, which you'll update and refine as you continue to get new insights, practice and apply new skills
  • Access to the entire Menu of Courage Building Quests - in a step-by-step learning journey that will equip you to get traction, get funded, get support and get ahead
  • The rigour and discipline to make the most of the support that your coach can provide and to keep the followers you need to mobilize connected and on belay

© 2024

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

Victim thinking is the risk-averse trap that surrenders control to external forces - like luck, market forces, frustrating buyers or supporters who let you down. Victim thinking keeps you at Level 0-1-2, waiting for the fog to clear or others to step up and deliver. With a take-charge mindflip, you can shape your fate, rather than settle for the fate you find. You can approach Volatile Uncertain Complex Adverse (VUCA) conditions with an internal locus of control and a find-solutions make-things-happen mindset, rather than an external surrender-your-power locus of control. You can create a culture of accountability, not wait-and-see passivity. This Quest shows you how to…

  • Recognize victim traps - when you feel trapped by bad luck, broken promises or events beyond your control
  • Own your power (without delusions of grandeur) - so you imagine what you can do to keep the ball in your court, take charge and find new levers of influence 
  • Shift from passive to active, by taking control and taking action to get more traction than you'd get finding fault or waiting and hoping
  • Foster accountability by looking for solutions and actions to seize opportunities and make things better, rather than excuses or blame
  • Bring a triumph mindset, not a defeatist mindset, to thrive and profit through turbulence and VUCA conditions

There's a motto associated with one of our country's Founding Parents: "If you have the will, freedom need not be a dream." Our Founding Parents knew - it took courage to step up, throw off centuries of oppression and shape our destiny, rather than wait for the next chapter of destiny to shape us. The same is true with the innovation you are bringing to buyers and investors in your enterprise. You can drive adoption, rather than waiting for users to find you. Here's how.

© 2024

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 4 PowerUPs

Challenge yourself to profit through turbulence. In this simulation, you'll travel back to the time of Marco Polo - to find innovative food tech solutions and bring them back home. If you're successful, you'll improve the lives of everyone who eats (and who doesn't eat?). And you'll enrich yourselves and the investors who funded your expedition.

You'll have 90 minutes of gameplay - facing competition, adversaries, dangers and turbulent market conditions. You'll debrief to ask, "So what?" - see how well your team performed. And to see what opportunities you seized and when you made risk-averse compromises.

Have fun, compete well, and may the very best team win!

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

S.M.A.R.T. goals PowerUP dreams - with courage to make them actionable and achievable. S.M.A.R.T. goals equip leaders to create a culture of accountability. With S.M.A.R.T. goals, you look beyond what your supporters are doing and trying - and focus, instead, on the impact they actually achieve and the value they actually deliver. S.M.A.R.T. goals give Sponsors an objective scorecard to create a culture of accomplishment and accountability. S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific Measurable A-level Relevant and Time-bound. Here's how to take your Appetite and your Aspirations and convert them into S.M.A.R.T. goals

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 4 PowerUPs

Risk-averse compromises like hierarchy deference and stay-in-your lane silo myopia can inhibit entrepreneurial initiative - until an orchestrator steps up lead from the middle, mobilize support and get traction. If you're the orchestrator, this quest will equip you to mobilize the network of support you need to get an enterprise deal done or get traction on a key initiative, on terms that set you up for success,. If you're a sponsor, this quest will equip you to delegate and empower an Orchestrator - and hold them accountable for the traction your enterprise needs.

In this Quest, you'll

  • Map the support you need to mobilize, to get traction, get funded, get adoption, get buyers to say Yes, and transform your industry or accepted standards of care
  • Look beyond your silo and pay grade, when you figure out who has to be in the right position doing the right things so that your deal or your initiative gets traction
  • Recognize when you need more than a "pair of hands" from the players you mobilize - so you get their ingenuity and initiative, so solve problems you haven't yet imagined
  • Prevent role confusion and role conflicts, so the partners you mobilize are clear about what's needed when - with the agility and fluidity you'd expect to score points on the pitch

The innovation you want to bring forward may be your baby. But that doesn't mean it can be yours alone. It takes a village to raise a child. And that starts with a definition of the players you want to bring into your village, so you have the skills, funding, support and execution you need to get traction.

That's the goal of this Quest in your Courage Leadership Journey - to step up, lean in and architect the network you want to mobilize, so you can triumph and profit through turbulence, rather than just ride out the turbulence.

© 2024

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

Be a challenger and ennobler, who can lift buyers out of old habits so they embrace game-changing innovations and new standards of care, rather than an order-taker who enables them to stay were it's easy and comfortable? This Quest will equip you to deliver the 5As with finesse to overcome risk-averse compromises like sandbagging, groupthink, summit fever, and tunnel vision. It will equip you to earn the credibility to be a trusted advisor, when you ask followers to stretch, learn and champion something new.

This Quest will equip you to…

  • Respond to fear by engaging, exploring and challenging, rather than acquiescing
  • Use your empathy and EQ to connect with fearful and reluctant buyers, so they feel your support and understand you're on their side
  • Step up, reach out and initiate ennobling dialogues with supporters who can lift their game and make a difference
New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

Boost your agility to appreciate diverse perspectives, even when they rub you the wrong way or challenge your hegemony. Lift antagonists out of win/lose rivalries, bias against outliers, and other risk averse traps, when diversity threatens to become a zero-sums game. Tap opposing Myers Briggs Types - and other diversity dimensions - so abrasion sharpens everyone's best thinking and accelerates traction. Anticipate sensitivities and triggers so you build trust and bring out the best in others and so you PowerUP the superpowers and initiative that you need to get traction and make a difference.

This Quest equips you to…

  • Broaden your appreciation - so you see the artistry in music, personalities and diverse backgrounds that rub you the wrong way
  • Own the superpowers in your Myers-Briggs Type - so you make your best impact and ask others for the support that brings out their best
  • Bridge other diversity dimensions - nationalities, cultures, racial/ethnic backgrounds, genders, neurodiversity, professions, age groups, etc - so a healthy mix of perspectives accelerates your traction
  • Be aware of unconscious biases - so you counter risk-averse traps like bias against outliers, win/lose rivalries and underestimating people who rub you the wrong way

© 2024

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 3 PowerUPs

Want to know your leadership impact - and see how your actions PowerUP the courage of the teams you mobilize? Want to be more intentional about the culture you are shaping and the way you accelerate adoption of new best practices and new standards of care?

This 360 feedback process will make you aware of how your leadership affects those around you - the higher-ups who delegate to you, the colleagues who support and co-ordinate with you and the executors you depend on after you delegate assignments.

Your Courage Coach will work with you to nominate the best raters - who can give you good feedback - and to build an Individual Development Plan with the results.

New Quest


  • Coaching By Louise Yochee + Merom

  • Community Support

  • 4 PowerUPs

How to hire the talent you need to accelerate traction